Our Services









Our services

Repair parts

Failure or malfunction of services related to a one-time fix, SY has trained professional and qualified technical personnel transferred to the customer's home to the fastest speed for repair.

SY repair faults will refer to the original parts, and we will tell you the price for repairs carried out smoothly.

Acquisition and trading Secondhand parts

[JUAL DENGAN HAPPY, BELI DENGAN TENANG], SY including the acquisition and sale and purchase of second-hand electrical service, we have a reasonably high-priced acquisition of old electrical,IF U BUY any Secondhand electrical, will be entitled to a warranty period of two months. SY to installation and repair services, if there are any failures, SY with customers through maintenance, if necessary, will be one-to-one swap, or do not charge any fees.


Customers by phone call to SY, SY be arranged within 24 hours of service and the fastest speed repair.

We always provide you with the best service, the fastest speed.


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